Arbayan project
deposits in the region have been systematically studied since 1936, however,
the Arbayan deposit, along with other rare metal occurrences was only
discovered during prospecting from 1977 to 1980. Exploration work was curtailed
on the deposit until 2009 when OUG completed 13 surface diamond drill holes.
the completion of the 2009 drilling program, RPM (Runge Pincock Minarco
Limited) was engaged by the Company to review the project and plan a
substantial drilling program to define and upgrade the resource. During the
drilling of this program, which was completed in 2010, RPM recommended and
oversaw all site drilling and sampling procedures to ensure that the highest
international standards were being followed.
RPM has independently estimated the Mineral Resources contained within the
Arbayan deposit. The data, upon which the Mineral Resource estimate is based,
was collected from the Clients own team and includes data up to April 2016. The
Mineral Resource estimate, and underlying data, comply with the
recommendations of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and
Ore Reserves prepared in 2012 by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC); as
such, the Statement of Mineral Resources is considered to be suitable for
public reporting.
From the site

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